About Us

Have you ever run into a situation where you thought to yourself, “Is that legal?” Well, the main purpose of IsThatLegal.org is to clearly answer those commonly asked legal questions. Some of them seem to be off the wall, but people are searching for their answers! If you have a question yourself, submit it, and if it clears our review, you will see its answer here.

What makes IsThatLegal.org different from similar legal answer sites?

First, the questions on this site are answered by real, live, practicing attorneys as denoted by their contact details. Unlike other similar forums and blogs, you won’t get amateur opinions here. You’ll get clear answers to your questions from real attorneys and case law.

Second, we not only perform extensive research to determine the most common legal questions being asked in the United States, we allow you to submit your own question. Within 48 hours you can have an answer from an attorney. It’s that simple. Professor Eric Muller won’t personally answer them, but another qualified person might!

Third, we are in the process of building an exhaustive directory of attorneys and law firms organized by practice type, state, and city. If you need to contact a reliable attorney in your area, you’ll be able to find them here.

Although some questions on IsThatLegal.org are clearly answered by lawyers as indicated such, the content of this site does not constitute legal advice. For legal advice on your current class action/mass action/mass arbitration case, pending cases you’re not a member of, and potential litigation that lawyers in the U.S. may be evaluating or investigating, etc., please discuss with your attorney. Please see our full disclaimer and privacy policy. You can contact IsThatLegal.org at contact-us@isthatlegal.org